Tuesday, January 13, 2015


January 13, 2015 2:11:03 PM PST
Karl Hoenke wrote:
"No mention of Drottkvaett"
Karl & Katherine Hoenke
-----Original Message-----
From: Hoenke, Frederick P  
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 6:13 AM
Subject: Mysterious code in Viking runes is cracked | ScienceNordic
Fritz Hoenke
Myron wrote:
I wonder why not.  
"Jötunvillur" could be replaced by "Drottkvaett" without changing any other word in the text.
"Drottkvaett" means "Eight Lines"  (of six or seven syllabics, with an alliteration an a rhyme in each line.  The even lines must start with the alliteration made in the odd line.) "Jötunvillur" appears to mean "Village of "Jötun"
I have found that Drottkvaett is almost simple to use.  I sometimes find myself composing a Drottkvaett stanza.  Like I did for the Waterway tour.  I think even children can compose a quarter of a stanza
 "Kome, over here, kiss me,
Kozy, we will here be"
The best known piece of a Drottkvaett stanza (two lines) is.
"Mary had a Mighty Lamb
  Mantle as white as snow."
If you repeated the "correct" version, as most English children learn in kindergarten, the Norse Christians would have closed the door on you.  If you were a Norse Christian, you would, once more, affirm that Christ was a mighty, pure "lamb".
The bible story of Pentecost may have happened because of Drottkvaetts.  The guards at the entrance only had to determine if there were alliterations, Rhymes, and Mary or Jesus or Lamb in the stanza spoken by the men wanting in.
Once the Christians, who may have rowed in from around the Mediterranean, got admitted to the crowd they may have discovered that they could not converse with each other.  Yet it was a miracle that so many men speaking so many tongues would row for days to be in the crowd of witnesses for Christ.


This for example is ancient secret code table. See attachment. It was said before Snorri Sturluson was killed. He had messenger bringing a letter with secret runes he knew how to break. The message said the killers were on the way.


Families could make their own tables like abow and send message in runes other´s could not understand but the people that had same table.
Icelanders used handwritten runes therefor they had/made some special icelandic runes that were not used in Nordic Norway. See Arild hauge rune book on line.
3 runes on the Narragansett runestone are special Icelandic and one of them is shown on that table. Line 8 on upper table rune that looks like J with hook to right..

Myron wrote on January 15, 2015 at 2:49


To me it seems a very tiny step from a Drottkvaett, where the sender and the reciever need to know the same idioms to a "secret" Drottkvaett  where the sender and receiver had the same code for the intelligible sounds.

My heart attack and my mini-stroke affecting eyes has reminded me, forceably, to thank you for all the communications you have give Karl and I.  Maybe we would have figured things out.  But I extreme doubt about that.

You will just have to visualize the stong emotions behind.  THANK YOU.

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